Showing a kosher grasshopper to Reb Chaim Kanievsky
Shmini/Reah Women's Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
4442 צפיותהאזינו לכיתה בטלפון
שִׂיחָה +1 (845) 201-1933
כשתתבקש, חייג את מספר הזהות שלהלן.
Dedicated by Liz and Michael Muschel in loving memory of her mother, Mrs. Shirley Levy a"h, Sorah Pessel bas R' Aryeh Leib, for the yartzeit, 22 Adar.
This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Shmini, 19 Adar II, 5782, March 22, 2022, at Bais Medrash Ohr Chaim in Monsey, NY.
The class was dedicated to the recent passing of HaGaon Reb Chaim Kanievsky (1928-2022), on Friday, Shushan Purim, 5782, March 18, 2022, at his home in Bnei Brak, at the age of 94. The funeral on Sunday brought together some 750,000 mourners from all over the Holy Land.
Shmini/Reah Women's Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Dedicated by Liz and Michael Muschel in loving memory of her mother, Mrs. Shirley Levy a"h, Sorah Pessel bas R' Aryeh Leib, for the yartzeit, 22 Adar.
צרפו חברים ומשפחה לקבוצת הווסטאפ שלנו
צרפו חברים ומשפחה לקבוצת הווסטאפ שלנו
אנא השאירו את תגובתכם למטה!
Rafael -2 שנים לִפנֵי
the story in video
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B. -2 שנים לִפנֵי
Thank you for the special, heartwarming, and uplifting shiur and eulogy about Harav Rav Chaim ztl” and the beautiful connection to this weeks parsha. AWESOME.
The power of Torah and its relevance to each one of us was so enormously encouraging… I shared it with my yeshiva boy as well as my daughter who teaches limudei kodesh, they were amazed…
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Tzivia -2 שנים לִפנֵי
What a wonderful shiur that you gave to the women WOW. And clearly explaining how Moshe Rabeinu actually showed each and every living thing who voluntarily came to him wow.
And then connecting it to the great Niftar reb chaim of blessed memory.
This was amazing. Gives you a diff level of appreciation for study of torah.
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
chaim -2 שנים לִפנֵי
Such a beautiful shiur. Reb Chaim was a walking Sefer Torah!
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Dovid -2 שנים לִפנֵי
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Moshe Cohen -2 שנים לִפנֵי
I had to use a browser that translated the link, but sadly it looks like Rabbi J has forgotten or rebuked his Chabad roots, and ready to give a eulogy to somebody who has supported someone who fought against the Lubavitcher Rebbe, I was taught in Yeshiva that Torah can save a person from anything besides embarrassing another Jew. Fighting and smearing the name of the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZT"L is so painful.
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Anonymous -2 שנים לִפנֵי
People can make mistakes; you need to understand the environment he lived in, and the people he was around. But everybody knows that under the leadership of Rav Shteinman and Reb Chaim zt"l the negative attitude to Chabad has been eliminated. Reb Chaim embraced all Jews, and did not differentiate.
He received Chabad rabbis with joy and went to the hospital to visit a young Chabad wounded man, Shmulik Sharf.
They also published this week the letter of the Rebbe's secretary, as the Rebbe was searching for Reb Chaim's sefer on Rambam, already in 1966. There is also the story of what the Rebbe told Reb Boruch Shimon Schneerson about Reb Chaim zt"l. And what Reb Chaim said about the Rebbe after he heard about the Rebbe finding a source to an unknown Rambam quoted in Noam Elimelech.
Today is the time to unite Jew -- right before the Geulah, not to dig up old tragic mistakes.
Everybody knows Reb Chain did not hate c"v any Jews; he was not the type. He was full of Torah and simple Ahavas Yisroel.
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Moshe cohen -2 שנים לִפנֵי
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
chaim -2 שנים לִפנֵי
Why do you think Reb Yoel Kahan went to him and many other gedolim in chabad? Our job is to always bring unity.
The Vilna Gaon made a ban on the Chassidim, but we know he meant well, and we move on, and we learn his sefarim, and the Rebbe mentioned him, very often and bright him as a source to learn nistar.
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Ephraim Schlisser -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי
We love your shiurim you are amazing. Have never looked at the comments till today..
This comment is pure loshan Hora as defined by the Chafetz Chaim any communication that is derogatory even the heter of al pi tlas is only le toelas. I assume the Ruv does not serve Ham in his house (see the parsha)....serving loshan Hara on your sight is much worse....the Ruv must filter the comments
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Sarah Goldberg -2 שנים לִפנֵי
Hespedim for Gedolim
I have noticed these past years that when a godol b'Torah or a Rebbe eye is nifter the hespedim usually do not focus on his scholarship or knowledge in Torah but rather on his good deeds, his acts of kindness and time given to others. "Hamayseh hoo ha'ikkar"
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Sarah Goldberg -2 שנים לִפנֵי
Moshe taught the yidden about kashrus and had all the species as props
BUT....his students were not at all involved at that time in kashrus. They lived on Mann which came with the best hechsher. That generation that died in the midbar survived on mann and did not implement any practical knowledge of kashrus. Ironically the generations that followed that one who did and still implement kashrus did not witness the lessons from Moshe nor the props. Those lessons were taught to a generation who couldn't and didn't need them (though the lessons were written down and passed along so that later generations including us, had and needed them).
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Sarah Goldberg -2 שנים לִפנֵי
R. Chaim Kanievski sat and learned 18 hours a day for 86 years
BUT....didn't we learn from the story where the Baal Shem Tov chastises the tzaddik as a "tzaddik in peltz" and we talk about how being mikarv a yid to do mitzvos is paramount?
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Isaac -2 שנים לִפנֵי
some people's avodah is perhaps just to sit and learn!
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Sarah Goldberg -2 שנים לִפנֵי
The point was that the fact that Hashem had every species
Of mammal, bird, fish and insect come to help Moshe teach as audio visual aides is no great miracle compared to what Hashem is and therefore didn't warrant special mention is true.......BUT other seemingly lesser miracles (meaning nonusual phenomenon) like krias yam suf, Har Sinai, the Mann, etc., ARE mentioned as miracles seems to contradict the point made that this miraculous audio visual presentation wasn't made important when these seemingly lesser miracles ARE mentioned as miracles. I.e. the relative inconsequential fact that Hashem brought all the species to help.Moshe teach is even more true of the other miracles that we do call miracles.
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Sarah Goldberg -2 שנים לִפנֵי
A person comes home and learns Torah which is compared
To the child who runs to a parent who comes home and they hug. But.....that parent at work, assuming they were doing so in a Torahdik way, is LIVING the Torah and not merely learning Torah. S/he is hugging the Torah even while working in a Torahdik way.
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Sarah Goldberg -2 שנים לִפנֵי
The Aron was carried by hand whereas all other parts
Of the mishkan could go on wagons. Today, we carry the Aron of a mais at a funeral also by hand. Also, one couldn't turn their back on the Aron. The Rebbe walked out from his mother backwards. Yet, many speakers today speak in front of the Aron with their back to the aron. I have seen some who stand to the side.
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Sarah Goldberg -2 שנים לִפנֵי
The Rebbe: Moshe was able to have and show every species
Because it was necessary to teach Torah and audio visuals help. But...doesn't every teacher throughout history also need this audio visual help to teach? Why was this miracle only for Moshe the teacher. Later generations also needed this av aide to understand. The impact of this miraculous av aide ceased when the dor hamidbar passed away.
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Sarah Goldberg -2 שנים לִפנֵי
"A picture is worth a thousand words"
And an actual object is worth a thousand pictures"
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Sarah Goldberg -2 שנים לִפנֵי
Moshe visually showed every species
The yidden saw a vision of Moshe no longer alive when the Satan made it be seen when he was late coming down from Har Sinai. They could have pointed to the vision in the sky even though it wasn't physical and wasn't even true. Today, we have 3D holographic representations that we can watch and even point to. They aren't physical or real. Even a nifter can appear in such a holograph. Therfore when Moshe showed each species such that "zeh/zos" could be said while pointing this was not necessarily a physical manifestation but could have been a type of a spiritual holographic representation. Not such a big miracle
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Sarah Goldberg -2 שנים לִפנֵי
"Zeh" means something one can point to".
Really? Don't we say "zeh Keli v'anvayhoo"?
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elaine fleischman -2 שנים לִפנֵי
This class is do awesome I am watching it hearing every word
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יצחק -2 שנים לִפנֵי
From an acquaintance in Wuhan, China
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Michaela Rina -2 שנים לִפנֵי
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Anonymous -2 שנים לִפנֵי
תודה הרב
הרבי גם הרגיש בגדלות של רב חיים זצ"ל
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Rafael -2 שנים לִפנֵי
from "Torah sweets"
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Anon -2 שנים לִפנֵי
Why is this locust insect kosher at all, whilst every single other one in creation is forbidden?
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