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Strangest Advice by Reb Shimon bar Yochaei: Getting Divorced? Throw a Party

When We Love Our Spouse Unconditionally, Miracles Begin to Flow

1 שעה 49 דקות

סיכום השיעור:

This weekly women's class was presented on Tuesday, Parshas Emor, 15 Iyar, 5781, April 27, 2021, live from Rabbi YY Jacobson's home in Monsey, NY.

אנא השאירו את תגובתכם למטה!

  • Anonymous -1 שָׁנָה לִפנֵי

    Such a beautiful sheir 

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • Anonymous -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    The Rabi Shimon Shalom Bayis story is one of my favorite... the first time I heard it, it brought me to tears... in the shiur you took it to a whole new level..it was very deep meaningful and inspirational... a beautiful lifetime goal that with Hashem's help we will all be zoche to achieve... my husband liked the shiur too:)... have a great day and continue sharing your amazing classes and insights to us all:)

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    Someone commented...

    Great, I need to listen to the understanding addiction working with others on this. Have a great day.

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    Someone commented

    As they say, “Let go and Let GD” Thank you Rabbi

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    Someone commented

    I love that insight. It’s His need. Why be anxious and worry? That’s why He says Cast your cares on Him for He cares for you.

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    Someone commented

    Thank you Rabbi Jacobson, your shiurim are life changing. I like to relisten to the recordings.

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    Someone asked...

    I was taught that we do choose our parents and that we as a neshama before being born agree to our life. How does this fit in with what you are teaching?

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    Someone asked...

    If we do not desire anything just HIM, are we supposed to ask for something in prayers?

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    Someone asked...

    How to practically reach this level (both with a spouse and Hashem) when it feels not real, h ow to practically appreciate my spouse for who he is when practically there are things that annoy, upset and get in the way. Tools to get to these places?

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    Someone asked...

    Is this a male ego thing?

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    Someone commented ...

    Someone really wise recently said to me, you become what you do. I feel like it relates to much to way you taught.

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    Someone asked...

    You started your class by saying that machshova without experience is like a parent with children.  Would you say that the wife had to physically remove him vs, just expressing what she wanted verball, because experience is knowing? The only way to get to the place of a relationship without conditions is to live it?

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SM

    Sara Metzger -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    Someone asked...

    Dear Rabbi, Special Shiurim, looking for Lag Ba’omer, which prayers are to be read while standing at the fire?

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

  • SG

    Sarah Goldberg -3 שנים לִפנֵי

    Just last week R. Donnenbaum (Australia) said a story

    About R. Moshe Feinstein. In short a childless couple came to him, each insisting that he give rishus to Divorce for the sake of the other.  He paced around and gave a brocha, saying that he has 39 possibilities from Hashem to ask for a neis. And this couple, each wanting for the other, merited that he utilize one of those "nissim" cards like the couple with the Rashbi. 

    I.e. even today tzaddikim have access to nissim

    השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

    • SG

      Sarah Goldberg -3 שנים לִפנֵי

      Story on Torahanytime 

      השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

      • SM

        Sara Metzger -3 שנים לִפנֵי

        Sarah Goldberg

        Story on Torahanytime 

        השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.

Women's Class Lag Baomer

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • April 27, 2021
  • |
  • 15 Iyyar 5781
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  • 2210 צפיות

Dedicated by Josh and Shaindel Serwatien, with thanks to Hashem for being so good to us, and in the merit of our children and all singles, to build beautiful Jewish homes.
And for a refuah shelaima to Arielle Rachel bas Shaindel; and in loving memory of all the Jewish soldiers who were slain.

שיעורים קשורים

אנא עזרו לנו להמשיך בפעילותנו
הרשמה לקבלת תוכן (באנגלית) עדכני מאת הרב יוסף יצחק ג'ייקובסון

צרפו חברים ומשפחה לקבוצת הווסטאפ שלנו

צרפו חברים ומשפחה לקבוצת הווסטאפ שלנו

לקבלת תוכן ועדכונים מאת הרב יוסף יצחק ג'ייקובסון
לקבלת הניוזלטר שלנו
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