Behaaloscha Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
4145 צפיותהאזינו לכיתה בטלפון
שִׂיחָה +1 (845) 201-1933
כשתתבקש, חייג את מספר הזהות שלהלן.
Leilu Nishmat Reb Eliyahu Tzion ben Reb Chananya Niasoff ז"ל
And in the merit of our partner in Torah Yigal Yisroel ben Sofia שיחיו
This class was presented on Sunday Parshas Behaaloscha, May 31, 2015, in Ohr Chaim, Monsey, NY
Behaaloscha Class
Rabbi YY Jacobson
Leilu Nishmat Reb Eliyahu Tzion ben Reb Chananya Niasoff ז"ל
And in the merit of our partner in Torah Yigal Yisroel ben Sofia שיחיו
צרפו חברים ומשפחה לקבוצת הווסטאפ שלנו
צרפו חברים ומשפחה לקבוצת הווסטאפ שלנו
אנא השאירו את תגובתכם למטה!
Anonymous -3 שנים לִפנֵי
Thannkn YOU Rabbi , this came at a time in my life where i have been feeling unappreciated, and wandering what was wrong with me, now i know even moshe rabeinu needed to know his work wasnt for nil. thank you for changing my life and the life of my family with your torah classes!
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Yehuda -7 שנים לִפנֵי
Not only did i thank the 3 people who influenced my life
I sent them your Shiur to inspire them and continue the chain onward and upward
Rabbii thankyou for being both the Sun and the stars
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Isaac Neuwirth -8 שנים לִפנֵי
This is so powerful!!!! So clear and sorcfull... Thanks Rabbi: this shiur lightened me up so many simple questions....
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
jack -8 שנים לִפנֵי
Hello rabbi dosnt rashi say the reason moshe needed 70 zkanim couse the old ones died ??? (perek 11 pasuk 16 in rashi)
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
M.C -9 שנים לִפנֵי
Thank you very much Rabbi. Blessed be my Father Who led me here on the day I needed it most.
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Baruch -9 שנים לִפנֵי
I loved your shiur on Behaaloscha as to why Moshe wanted to die.
He was a leader in the true sense.
Enjoy this article.
There’s a problem with following the crowd.
The crowd is scared, which is why it finds safety in numbers.
The crowd is ignorant, which is why it refuses to think for itself.
The crowd is compliant, pulling anyone into line who gets too ambitious.
The crowd is average, excellence is for individuals not sheep.
The crowd is unremarkable, with everyone merging together in one big ugly mass.
So don’t follow the crowd, they won’t take you where you need to go to make a difference in the world.
Be courageous and take the risks required to make the most out of life.
Keep learning, growing and developing new skills for the rest of your days.
Be innovative, creative and entrepreneurial.
Set high expectations for you own work and keep yourself accountable for delivering phenomenal outcomes.
And be remarkable, remembering that you have a unique set of skills, perspectives and ideas that enable you to leave an indelible print on the world around you.
Max Lucado once said, “A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.”
It’s time to leave the crowd behind.
It’s time to forge a path to greatness!
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
White Smlie -9 שנים לִפנֵי
A prophet is a person who claims to have received a message or revelation from a supernatural being (often, a god). The religions which are based on those revelations are called revealed religions. Prophets are regarded as fully human, but divinely inspired, unlike the Christian messiah, who is regarded as a human manifestation of God. The basic concept of prophecy is that the prophet is speaking for the supernatural; but often enough this involves revealing what is going to happen so that prophecy has acquired a secondary meaning of prediction by supernatural means.
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
me -9 שנים לִפנֵי
Lost in transition
Hello Rabbi Y Y Jacobson ,
You know the difference between your Website and day-to-day reality?
Every time when something bad happens in the world I see it as "that's it! It's so bad, so horrible, so disgusting, and so ugly that nothing worse be possible! It’s hard to imagine anything worse than what had happened. Alas! Time and again reality sinks into more and more darkness and time and again we are proved that there might be even darker. Let our discovery of world darkness and black holes be stopped once and forever!
Quite opposite with your sheurim and website in general: it always brings WOW! It’s so bright, so beautiful, so brilliant and so uplifted that nothing better is possible, and UVALE! You and your team (not sure about your thech support always up to that level) surprise us again and again with something even greater.
Let it be for as long as we need it, "a beaconing light at the end of the darkest of tunnels"!
Thank you very much!
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Rabbi YY Jacobson -9 שנים לִפנֵי
I made a mistake in the story I shared at the end of class. When Joseph Cabiliv-today a successful real estate developer-regained consciousness in theRambam Hospital in Haifa, he remembered nothing of the circumstances that had brought him there. He felt an excruciating pain in his legs. The discovery that followed was far more horrendous: glancing under the sheet, he saw that both his legs had been amputated, the right leg at the knee, the left at mid-thigh.
The day before, Joseph, who was serving on reserve duty in Zahal (the Israeli Defense Forces), was patrolling the Golan Heights with several other soldiers when their jeep hit an old Syrian land mine. Two of his comrades were killed on the spot. Another three suffered serious injury. Joseph's legs were so severely crushed that the doctors had no choice but to amputate them.
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
shmuel goldberg -9 שנים לִפנֵי
There is not source sheet?
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.
Rabbi YY Jacobson -9 שנים לִפנֵי
השיבו לתגובה זו.סמן את התגובה הזו.