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Basics of Emunah #6: Can An Intelligent Person Believe That Torah Is Divine?

How Do We Know That We Heard G‑d at Sinai?

1 hr 43 min

Class Summary:

Is there a rational basis to accept that some 3300 years ago G-d revealed Himself to our ancestors at Sinai? Why was Maimonides, a rationalist par excellence, so convinced of the historicity of this event? And in what way is the Jewish claim of divine revelation any different from the many thousands of claims made by various other religious groups.

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  • DB

    Doron Birnbaum -1 year ago

    Further research

    Anyone interested in studying this more, I would advise you to read 'reason to believe' by Rabbi Dr Dovid Gottlieb.  
    you will also find interesting articles on his website and an appendix to the book where he looks at evidence in other religions. 

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  • Anonymous -6 years ago

    You mention in your shuirim one of the proofs of the divinity of Torah is the fact that it projects negatively on the Jewish people. Seemingly it is a weak argument as that is clearly the style in use in Israel at the time (e.g. the writings of Isaiah, Jeremiah etc. Also see from outside of Israel e.g. mesha steele). It was a general view in those days that when bad stuff happened it was because the people had been bad to their god(s) so their god(s) was / were punishing them

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    • PF

      Pinchos Fried -4 years ago

      I don't get your question; the books of Isaiah and Jermiah are also devine, and 100% true. As for Mesha Steele, I didn't see anything negative about the author or his nation there.

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  • M

    Moshe -6 years ago

    Listening to an interview with Charles Krauthammer on "the Israel Show" on Nachum Segal network. He quotes a historian Barbara Tuchman who says that the yidden are the ONLY people in history living in the same land, worshipping the same G-d and speaking the same language as 3000 years ago.

    He says the resurrection of the Hebrew language is unique in history, and just as marvelous as the resurrection of the land. 

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  • S

    Shira -6 years ago

    Your classes are incredible! I have one thing to say about this one, you made a statement about that no rabbi left judaism. There’s a comedian called Jackie Mason who used to be a big rabbi and went off the derech. I have heard Rabbi Kelemen present the same argument about the difference between judaism and other religions, so not disputing the discussion. Just thought Id point out that your statement may not be so 100% true because theres always that one in a million...

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    • Anonymous -6 years ago

      I meant no Rabbi left Judaism to another religion, out of conviction. Of course, you can find rabbis who became SECULAR, wanting to free themselves from the burdens of faith and Judaism, or because of other factors, reasons or struggles. That is a normal human behavior. I meant you will never find a really educated Rav, Talmid Chacham, who declared one day, that the real G-d and the real true religion is to be found in Christianity or Islam, and converted out of conviction, volition, and internal passion. Name me one please!! 

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    • PF

      Pinchos Fried -4 years ago


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  • I

    Igor -6 years ago

    Toda for help.Shalom.HaShem Bless upon You all.S'ma.Amen ve Amen.

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The Emunah Series

Rabbi YY Jacobson

  • January 28, 2016
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  • 18 Sh'vat 5776
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