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1 Question; 100 Answers

The Revolutinary Answer of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on what Exactly Was the Chanukah Oil Miracle

57 min

Class Summary:

1 Question; 100 Answers - The Revolutinary Answer of the Lubavitcher Rebbe on what Exactly Was the Chanukah Oil Miracle

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  • Anonymous -2 years ago

    The video is no longer working properly

    Please be aware, the video here is not the full length - it is only 45 seconds long. The full length class is available only upon downloading the MP3 file. I suggest you re-upload the video.

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  • Anonymous -3 years ago

    Beis yosef question

    How does this answer the Beis yosef question, the last day wasn't a miracle since it went down naturally?

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  • E

    Eliyohu -11 years ago


    I don't understand 2 statements of Rabbi Garelik?

    statement 1) Rabbi Garelik in source 2 (from the Rebbe's sicha) makes it quite clear what the question is of the Beis Yosef which The Rebbe is explaining. There it states that 

     מכיון שבפך הנמצא הי' שמן מן המוכן ליום אחד, הרי שלא הוצרכו לנס 

    אלא לשבעה ימים, ולמה תיקנו שמונה ימים לחנוכה? since that the jug was found for 1 day, therefore they only needed the oil to burn miraculously 7 days, why then did they make chanukah 8 days?

    Statement 2) Rabbi Garelik then above has stated that the question of The Rebbe is "what was the miracle of the 7 days" and not why we celebrate 8 days? The two statements seem to contradict? Please clarify

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    • A

      Anonymous -11 years ago

      Re: question
      Dear Yitzchok and Eliyohu,

      First see my answer to Menachem above.

      I will explain it again in other words:

      The main focus of the Rebbe in THIS sicha, does not have its goal to provide the answer 101 to the question of the Bais Yosef…. In THIS sicha the Rebbe analyzes one thing only: what exactly happened with the oil:

      according to the 100 answers there were two basic options; That it empty out every day or every day an eighth was consumed. The Rebbe gives the revolutionary third option of “Nimna Hanimnoois”.

      In order to be able to summarize this “sugya” (dissertation), as there are so many opinions – I chose the simplest way, and that is, by prefacing the Sicha with the question of the Bais Yosef as beautifully illustrated by Rabbi Zevin. By doing this, we were able to obtain a broader and clearer and summarized picture of all the opinions on the actual miracle.

      Therefore, I did not discuss what happened the first or last day, as this is not the issue at question. The question is: what actually happened to the oil. Perhaps at a later occasion we will deal with the answer to the Bais Yosef’s question.

      If you see the curriculum, it summarizes the issues that we will discuss. I do not write there: what was the miracle of the first day? Or why do we celebrate 8 days instead of 7? Because that is not one of the issues that we are going to discuss in the class.

      Additionally, regarding Eliyohu’s second point: if the miracle also extended to the first day or not - is irrelevant to the explanation of the miracle of the oil. If the first day it burnt miraculously or not does not take away from the fact that the other days it burnt in a way of “nimna hanimnoois”.

      I hope this clarifies the issue.

      Thanks a lot for your comments.

      Rabbi Levi Y Garelik

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  • Y

    yitzchok -11 years ago

    just in addition

    Just something else: In note 7, you bring the pre chadash which is clearly giving a reason for 8 days of celebration, Not why we have 7 days of celebration i.e. he understands the beis Yosef as what Menachem asked you before and it seems the other meforshim also understand it the same way

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  • Y

    yitzchok -11 years ago

    I don't understand the answer to menachem's question
    you stated above -The question of the Bais Yosef, is what “triggered” all the commentaries to analyze what was the miracle of Chanuka in general (in the other seven days). - BUT in the class you quoted (source 2 from Rabbi Zevin) the question exactly as Menachem said. In other words you said that if they had enough oil for at least 1 day why keep 8 days? The question is not why on the other seven days is there was a miracle but why 8 days? Please clarify

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Levi Garelik

  • December 16, 2012
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  • 3 Tevet 5773
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